Here are some of the written and spoken testimonials our team has received throughout the years.
Facebook Logo

I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for your performance on site. I’ve been reviewing the responses to the Safety Pulse Survey we did on site in early August. One of the questions asked was “What is the best thing about health and safety on this site and why?” and there were over 50 responses that specifically mentioned you guys and the programs/initiatives you guys have developed. Workers feel better about coming to work here knowing that they can receive not only care during injuries on site, but care for other personal issues. The number of workers that specifically mentioned you shows how much positive impact you guys have on the workforce.

We really appreciate you guys being out here and how hard you work to improve the health, safety, and well being of all workers on site.

I look forward to seeing what continuing and new initiatives you guys push to continue to make this site the best site it can be.

Chris Gitch, GSP Loss Control Engineer
BattleFrog Logo

Amphibious Medics provided BattleFrog, LLC with extremely qualified professional medical personnel and services during our Inaugural BattleFrog event conducted on 31 May and 01 Jun 2014. We were very pleased with their rapid response times, quality of care, and efficient communication with our staff and volunteers.

Michael Donoghue, President; Amphibious Medics, along with his team of professionals, provided BattleFrog, LLC with obstacle safety and medical personnel recommendations that took BattleFrog to a higher level of medical readiness.

The BattleFrog team look forward to working with Amphibious Medics at our future events.

The BattleFrog Team Inaugural BattleFrog Event
Spartan Race Logo

Mike – Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you and kudos to your team! Conditions were pretty extreme in North Carolina today, and your guys totally stepped up and made Amphibious Medics proud. Thanks to the entire crew, and to you, for doing what you do.

Lee Goss President of Spartan Race
Sarasota County Fire Department Logo

I have had nothing but positive responses from the Sarasota County Fire Department personnel that interacted with your staff at the Sarasota Tough Mudder last weekend. I’ve asked our Captain to put together a Post Incident Analysis (PIA) of this event for us to review, but am extremely pleased with what I’ve heard so far. The SCFD crew on-scene complimented your personnel on their competence, incident management, and treatment practices. Please thank your personnel for us. It’s a pleasure working with you all.

Asst. Chief Rod VanOrsdol EMS Ops, Sarasota County FD
All Out Adventure Logo

Your company is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! All the staff were so on it and an absolute pleasure to work with!!!

All Out Events Miami, FL
Amphibious Medics Logo

As a public emergency services officer, I have heard many horrific stories and seen first hand how awful some private medical teams and services have provided at events and other venues. With that said, I was kind of weary to join Amphibious Medics because I did not want to be part of a company with a bad reputation (not that you guys do) or be associated with a team that was unorganized like many private medical services are. When I arrived at work Saturday morning, I was still a little skeptical about the whole thing, that was until I got to the drop off area at the event. I was met by a team of rovers waiting to drive us up to the medical tent which would have been almost a mile walk on foot. At the medical tent, I was greeted by many new and friendly people, all of them being so welcoming and helpful. They helped me get my gear ready, explained where I was needed to provide care at, and so much more. Finally, we all set out on the cold morning to our locations (mine being the most remote). Once I was dropped off, I thought I was going to be on my own, away from the others till the day was over. All if the others working were within eyesight of each other and when they needed help, someone was there within seconds. Me, being so far, having poor radio reception, and limited supplies for the amount of participants scheduled that day, I could see I was in for a tough day. To my surprise, Jason (my area rover and the best partner I've ever worked with) was always watching out for me. Though he was busy himself throughout the day, when I would request help, he was always there as quick as he could and was continuously checking if I needed anything. Even though most of my patients were non-priority, I did have the most priority patients throughout the whole event. Jason and the others were such a great help, when they arrived on the scenes, they did anything I needed professionally and quick. At the end of Saturday's event, I was still surprised as to how well everyone worked and the friends I had made. Today was another great success. Tiffany and myself worked so well with Jason the day before and had such a great time that we asked to stay at our same locations just to be together. I just want to say I'm more than happy to be a part of the Amphibious Medics team and everyone, not just at this event, does such a wonderful job. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be part of and work for this amazing company. I'm proud to call myself an Amphibious Medic!

Nick Bailey West Virginia
Amphibious Medics Logo

Hi Mike,

Just wanted to bring this to your attention. I hope you enjoy it as much as I.

Yesterday I witnessed the most inspiring event that I have ever seen. I worked as medical staff and water rescue for the Savage Race, and towards the end of my shift a young woman came up in tears to complain about a few men driving around in a construction van making fun of her. She was slightly overweight, and she and her friend were the last people running the race. They were much farther behind the other participants and were holding up the staff and workers from shutting down their obstacles and going home. The men apparently made comments about her weight and said stuff like, "Hit her with the bumper, maybe the fatass will run faster that way..." She was distraught about it. We of course consoled her and encouraged her to continue on through the race. And she did. She may not have been in the best shape, but she ran and walked the whole course and participated and made it through every obstacle. She got to one of the very last obstacles where you run up a sloped wall, and grab a rope and pull yourself up the rest of the way. She ran and did pretty well, but slid back to the bottom before she reached the top. This poor girl just laid there for a minute. She wasn't hurt, she was just exhausted and worn down, physically and emotionally. She was ready to give up. One of the rover drivers already knew about what those mean men had said to her and how upset she had been. Without thinking twice, Joe jumped into action. We both knew how important it was that this girl finish the race. Dead last is better than not participating. He gathered several other male members of our crew and started taking charge and giving directions. He took her hand, helped her to her feet and told her she was going to finish the race and walk through the finish line. And then all of the amphibious medic crew members made it happen. Whether by cheering, screaming, clapping, pushing or pulling... They all helped. There was a whole group of onlookers, strangers and participants and staff and crew alike. She got to the top and she finished the race. It was so nice to see all of these strangers come together to help a hurting heart. Everyone bent over backwards to help this girl achieve her goal. I have never been more proud to be a part of such an amazing company and to work with such awesome people. I seriouslyhave the best job ever!!!!

I just thought this may make your day. It certainly made mine. Thanks for letting me be a part of another event.

Amelia Alderman, EMT Florida
Amphibious Medics Logo

Just wanted to drop you a quick note and let you know what a blast I had at the Savage Race today. I found Todd and his staff to be very well organized and professional. It was a pleasure to work with them. I worked water rescue on Davey Jones' Locker today. It was an awesome experience to be able to see some of the people overcome their fears and take the big leap. It was great to be there and give them encouragement and lend a helping hand when they needed it. Thanks again for a great experience.

Steve Hammond
Amphibious Medics Logo

I got to work with you at the Life in Color event in Atlantic City. Just wanted to tell you what a great job you guys did! I have been an EMT/Emergency management Coordinator in Atlantic county for 20 years. I have seen my fair share of events in that city go south. I have to admit I was a little worried at first because I had never heard of you guys. But after the medical tent filled up with patients, you guys quickly managed everything that was thrown at you. I knew it would be a great night!

Fred Jiacopello
Amphibious Medics Logo

Just wanted to send an email in regards to how impressed I was with your team. I went into working this event with no idea just how top notch your staff is. I've been involved in EMS for over 20 years. Your team basically worked an all-day MCI without any difficulties. Everybody adapted to the situation and worked very well as a team. You took me as a new employee and gave me the direction I needed. Once I figured out how things were done, you let me handle the work. Without the manager’s input and direction, I think I would have been lost.

Johnny Sampson NREMT-P
Amphibious Medics Logo

Thank you for the experience at the Spartan Race last weekend. I had a good time and enjoyed working with a group of dedicated young people. I think that is one of the most rewarding aspects of working in the EMS field. I hope that I can be of more service to Amphibious Medics in the future and usemy background as a Navy Hospital Corpsman, retired fire captain, and paramedic, plus 30 years in the construction industry.

Leo A. (Tony) Futch
Amphibious Medics Logo

Thank you for the opportunity to work the event this past weekend at Glen Rose. It was unique and a lot of fun to be a part of a first class organization. Vince talked about the challenges involved with events of this nature and I really enjoyed my experience. I'm definitely looking forward to the possibility of working more events with Amphibious Medics in the future. If you need anything from me or more information please don’t hesitate to ask.

Brian Howell
Amphibious Medics Logo

Just wanted to relay to you how impressed I was at the organizational skills, politeness and professionalism with Amphibious Medics at this weekend’s Tough Mudder. Their triage skills were exceptional. More important they handled the vast majority of the patients, keeping us free for ALS calls. With Amphibious Medics having personnel from around the country, it was also beneficial sharing ideas on EMS-related issues. In my over three decades with this department, this one of the largest events I have covered, and it was a pleasure to work with such an elite group.

Larry Gibbs Firefighter/Paramedic